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TAKE ACTION NOW – Submit Your Comments to Capitol Hill on the Proposed Rules to Restore Flexibilities!

In times like these, it is especially important that you make your voice heard on behalf of school nutrition programs and the children they nourish.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service has announced proposed regulations to restore flexibilities for milk, whole grain and sodium requirements in the school meal programs. These proposed regulations were issued directly following the recission of flexibilities previously provided in 2018. Read more details on this Proposed Rule in SNA’s news story.
USDA established a 30-day comment period for the proposed rule and “intends to issue a final rule in spring 2021 to ensure that stakeholders can continue to rely on the operational flexibilities proposed in this rule.” As school nutrition professionals on the front lines your expertise and insight is critical. Please take a few moments to submit comments on impact and importance of milk, whole grain and sodium flexibilities.
SNA is currently drafting the Association’s comments in support of this proposed rule and will share them with members as soon as they are submitted.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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