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Planning Ahead Is Critical To Feeding Kids in SY 2022-23 Are You Ready?

Planning Ahead Is Critical to Feeding Kids in SY2022-23
School meal operators are likely to face more extraordinary product delays, shortages and substitutions for food, paper goods, other supplies, kitchen equipment, vehicles and technology components well into 2023. Districts simply cannot afford to manage their school meal procurement process the same ways they did in the “before” times and expect to get what they need in a timely manner.
At the request of SNA leadership, the Association’s Industry Advisory Council members were asked to compile top tips for school nutrition operators and other school purchasing officials that will help them address and mitigate challenges along different links in the supply chain and provide for more reliable meal service to students in SY2022-23. But success will hinge on careful planning, patience and a pragmatic mindset about flexibility.
You can find these tips compiled on a single-page downloadable flyer, SY2022-23 Purchasing & Menu Tips for School Nutrition Programs, which you can share with your school nutrition team members, as well as other district officials charged with procurement responsibilities. Above all, remember that everyone is facing similar supply chain issues, including the vendor partners who share your mission to feed kids at school.
SNA will be refreshing its online Supply Chain/Back to School Resource Center with updated tools and materials. Be sure to visit regularly.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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