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Managing School Meal Debt

What’s new: Start the new school year on a firm financial footing with “Managing the Problem of Meal Debt,” a new SN Plus article, that covers positive, proactive strategies for combating meal debt, such as:

  • Reviewing your meal charge policy
  • Stepping up the collection of meal applications
  • And more!

Why it matters: As districts begin a second year without the financial protection of federal waivers providing universally free meals—and as parents continue to face economic hardships in the wake of the pandemic and high inflation—school nutrition directors are braced to contend with the consequences of meal charges.

💻 Keep reading: The article is available to read and print here. Sharing is caring, so send the link to school administrators and colleagues throughout the district.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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