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Congress needs your feedback about impact of decreased funding to your child nutrition programs …

The update: Current federal support for school meals—40 cents for each lunch and 15 cents for every breakfast—is set to expire on June 30.

We need your help! We must help Congress understand the full impact of this loss in support. Here’s what you can do:

  1. 📉 Use SNA’s Revenue Impact Calculator to estimate the loss in revenue for your program. Hold on to your number! These local details make all the difference when urging your legislators for their support.
  2. 💻 Share your story with SNA! How will this loss impact your program and the kids you serve?
  3. 💬 Reach out to your legislators and voice your support for the “Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act” and the “Helping Schools Feed Kids Act.”

Why it matters: Decreased federal funding will fail to cover costs, leaving school meal programs in crisis. Your story has the power to make change. Together, we can ensure the success of school nutrition programs and the students relying on them.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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