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This year’s celebration and state conference theme is “Down on the Farm”. We are excited to host this year’s event at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel and Phoenix Convention Center/South Building on September 20-21, 2019. Please follow these simple steps when registering for an individual or a group.

If registering for more than one individual you will need the following information prior to starting:

  • Step 1: Sign in, click on 2019 State Conference, select State Conference Member Registration/SNA Dues, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the registration type (ex: Director/Supervisor, Manager, or Employee)
  • Step 2: Complete all required fields and select add to cart. If registering for more than one attendee go back and select the type of registration needed next. Select, complete all fields, add to cart. Continue these steps until all attendees have been added to your cart.
  • Step 3: Once all attendee registrations are complete and added to the cart then you may select check out. Complete all fields required for check out. An order confirmation will then be emailed.

Craig Weidel the Executive Director of SNAZZ will follow up within one week with an invoice.

Member Registration Information

Please enter members information

Conference / Pre Conference Info Sessions

Will this attendee be attending any of the following Friday sessions?

Ethics Course for Registered Dietitians and School Nutrition Professionals

Healthy Plant Based Menu Ideas: Emphasizing Whole, Minimally Processed Foods

St. Mary’s Alliance – Practical Steps to Partnerships for the Betterment Of Students.

How to Utilize Different Agencies to Help Spread the Word About Wellness

Learn How SNA & SNAAZ Can Help Build Your State/Chapter Leadership

Select Your SNS Exam Prep.

Meals / After Party


This is the one and only not to be missed child nutrition event of the year!  Whether you are a seasoned child nutrition professional, new to K-12 education, a director, a manager, or a child nutrition employee there is something for everyone.

Imagine an event where you can get most of your yearly professional standards met.  This conference will help you do just that with over 15- breakout educational sessions offered by the professions best.

Are you looking for more exciting things to offer your student customers?  No worries because this conference hosts the largest and most informative vendor expo with over 140 exhibit booths highlighting cutting-edge food, beverage, supply and equipment ideas for your individual child nutrition operation.

So pull out your overalls, dust of your straw hat as we look forward to seeing you ‘Down on the Farm’ for this year’s 2019 Annual State Conference.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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