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Welcome to
School Nutrition
Association of

The School Nutrition Association of Arizona is a state based part of a national, nonprofit professional organization representing more than 59,000 members who provide high-quality, low-cost meals to students across the country


SNAAZ Members / Vendor Secure Zones

Steps In Creating Your Account

Membership in SNAAZ / SNA gives you exclusive resources and tools that can benefit your career and your school nutrition program.


It’s really easy to register as a SNAAZ Member or SNAAZ Vendor, all you need is a valid email address to get started. You will then be guided thru the registration process…


You will receive a Welcome email detailing your username & password. (Before you can access your SNAAZ member account, an admin needs to approve it. You will be notified via email.)


Login to your SNAAZ account and take the time to update your “Member or Vendor” contact details, these can be edited at anytime in the future…


Depending on your SNAAZ membership type, you will have access to members / vendor only content and be kept up to date with the latest SNAAZ happenings.


What Do You Love Most About SNA Membership?

Hear what SNA Members love the most about being a SNA member.


SNAAZ Membership
Has It’s Benefits

Also, by belonging to SNAAZ, you are part of something bigger than just your school or district.


SNAAZ Would Like to Thank
the Following Companies for Sponsoring
2024 SNIC and Professional Growth Events

Click on their logo to learn more about them
School Nutrition
Association of Arizona
Key Statistics
Members Nationally
Arizona Districts
Arizona Meals Served Daily
Arizona State Members

Our Recent Posts

The School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) Exam in moving online!!

The SNS Exam is moving online  What’s changing: Starting Fall 2025, the School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) credentialing exam will be available…

SNA Awards Nominations Is Closing Soon – NOMINATE TODAY

As February comes to an end, so does the SNA Awards nomination period. Saturday, March 1, is your last chance to…

Will this be your first time to attend SNA’S Annual National Conference in Boston?

If this is you first time going to an ANC. Please check out and register the upcoming webinar…

Become A Member Today

SNA membership provides educational and professional development resources, advocacy and networking to help support your career and school nutrition program. Also, by belonging to SNA, you are part of something bigger than just your school or district. 

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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