The School Nutrition Association of Arizona is part of a national, nonprofit professional organization representing more than 59,000 members and over 1,000 Arizona state members who provide high-quality, low-cost meals to students across the state.
Well-nourished students, prepared to succeed.
We empower and support school nutrition professionals in advancing the accessibility, quality and integrity of school nutrition programs.
School nutrition professionals will continually improve their knowledge and skills to administer, manage, deliver and sustain successful school meal programs.
Policy makers, school officials, parents and school nutrition professionals will rely on SNA as the leading advocate for school nutrition programs.
School nutrition programs nationwide will be strengthened through the engagement, leadership and collaboration among SNA’s members, state associations, the School Nutrition Foundation, allied partners and other stakeholders
SNA will have a financially sustainable funding model with a nimble governance and headquarters staff structure that is aligned with the strategic plan and reflects contemporary business practices
We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.
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