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2024 SNAAZ Annual
State Conference
Begins In

Welcome to 2024
SNAAZ Annual State Conference

68th Annual SNAAZ ASC
Renaissance Downtown Phoenix Hotel/Phoenix Convention Center
September 27-28, 2024

2024 SNAAZ ASC - “Wonderland of learning, growth, and connection"

Welcome, wonderland enthusiasts, to our extraordinary 68th Annual State Conference. This years event is inspired by the whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland! Just like Alice, we are all here to embark on a journey of curiosity, exploration and wonder. Let us embrace the magic of this theme and let our imaginations run wild as we delve into education topics that may seem peculiar or impossible at first glance.

In the spirit of this whimsical tale, I encourage you all to approach our conference with an open mind, ready to challenge conventional thinking and venture into unchartered territories of knowledge. Just as Alice encountered a variety of intriguing characters and situations in her adventures, I am confident that each of you will find inspiration and enlightenment in the general session, education breakouts, vendor exhibition show, and many wonderful discussions with colleagues.

So, without further ado, let us step through the looking glass together and immerse ourselves in the enchanting realm of ideas and discoveries that lie ahead. May this conference be a truly transformative experience for all, where we dare to dream big, think boldly, and emerge enlightened, just like our beloved Alice.

Whether you are a director, supervisor, cafeteria manager, frontline staff, or central office/warehouse staff there is something for each of you! Registration is super easy just click on the blue button at the bottom of this page marked, “Member Registration” to make it happen for you. If you want to check out the full AGENDA click on the link at the bottom of this page.

Welcome to our Wonderland of learning, growth, and connection. Let the journey begin!

Looking forward to seeing all of you this September 27-28, 2024 in downtown Phoenix.

11 Different Informative Education Sessions

Education Session 1
“Hot Topics In Child Nutrition 2024”
Kathy Glindmeier, Debbie McCarron, Melissa Harvey

Education Session 2
“Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP): Operating, Implementing, and Communicating”
Adelita Bagley

Education Session 3
“You're Worth It Wellness!”
Fred Schafer

Education Session 4 & 5
“Successful Partnership With Your Health Inspector”
"Asociasiones Exitosas Con El Departmento De Salud"
David Morales

Education Session 6
“Amazing Ideas From An Arizona District's Child Nutrition Program”
Lindsay Aguilar & TUSD Leadership Team

Education Session 7
“Building Resilience: Exploring Risks and Protective Factors in Arizona Youth Mental Health”
Bin Suh

Education Session 8
“Equipment Safety and Proper Care of Equipment for Kitchen Manager's and Staff”
Rachael Sassarini & Tyler Baker

Education Session 9
“Liderando a Tu Equipo Hacia el Exito: Estrategias de Resolucion de Conflictos y Construccion de Equipos”
Juanita Lazaro

Education Session 10
“Leading Your Team To Success: Conflict Resolution Strategies and Team Building”
Miranda Sandner

Education Session 11
“Los Conceptos Basicos De Las Comidas Reembolsables”
Kim Ruiz

Education Session 12
“The Velvet Rope Workplace”
Fred Schafer

Register for 2024 SNAAZ
Annual State Conference

We are so excited to announce the 2024 Annual State Conference (ASC).  This year’s conference will be held at the beautiful Phoenix Convention Center (South Building) – Phoenix, Arizona. The ASC planning committee has planned a spectacular event for every level of child nutrition.  So, if you are a director, supervisor, manager, front-line team member, or central office/warehouse there will be some wonderful education classes and information geared specifically for you.  Also, we will be presenting an education track in Spanish for those more comfortable learning in that language.

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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