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2021 SNAAZ Annual
State Conference
Begins In

Stuck on Special Diets?  8 Menu Tips to Inspire You!

(Prof. Standard – 1320) – CEU = 1

Are you feeling stuck on your Special Diets Menus?  Maybe you don’t know where to start, or maybe you are looking to safely change it up?  Either way join Angela as she shares ways to inspire your future Special Diet Menu creations!


Simple Solutions for Personal Wellness in a Crazy World! + bonus video – Gratitude Power Now!

(Prof. Standard – 3450) – CEU = .5

Feeling your best and looking your best can be a challenge in our busy lives especially in the seemingly unhinged world of today.  These are critical elements to being the best you can be for your co-workers, friends, family and our kids.  This humorous message will take a look at a few simple things that anyone can do.  We will identify individual goals and distinguish things that when compounded over time can make a huge difference in your personal health and wellness.


Fruit & Vegetable Knife Skills for School Kitchens

(Prof. Standard – 3450) – CEU = .5

Join Josh for an exciting demonstration on various cutting and prep techniques for school cafeterias!  Learn how to properly prepare fruits and vegetables with less waste, less prep time, and how to keep your knives sharp safely.



A Daily Blend:  Combining School Nutrition and Daily Lesson Planning

(Prof. Standard – 1220) – CEU = .75

This program will help School Nutrition Professionals grow in their understanding and comfortability of classroom teaching strategies by examining the pillars of daily lesson planning.  The conversation will focus on learning the components of a daily lesson plan, as well as sharing methods to help plan for the needs of all learners in the classroom.


Feeding the Mind with School Nutrition

(Prof. Standard – 1210) – CEU = .5

Lets discuss kids and nutrition – specifically how to speak with kids about nutrition.  How can school educators have the greatest impact on the children in their care?  How can adult over-involvement in kids’ choices backfire, and what can you do instead?


The History of the School Nutrition Association & SNA of Arizona

(Prof. Standard – 4120) – CEU = .5

Join Craig for a trip down history road of how the School Nutrition Association and SNA of Arizona came about.  You will learn not only who the national icons were but also how the icons from Arizona helped to shape the profession of child nutrition and the important role it plays in the life of our nations most precious commodity, our children!


Public Policy:  What’s Next for School Food Programs?

(Prof. Standard – 1210) – CEU = .5

Public Policy both national and local along with advocacy are important parts of protecting child nutrition programs and the children you feed each and every day.  Join Jessie as she explains the ins and outs of how it all intertwines and how you can be an advocate to protect the programs you work with. 


What the FAD?  All About FAD Diets …

(Prof. Standard – 4120) – CEU = .5

Have you ever had a student, teacher, or parent tell you that they (or their child) is following a Paleo, Organic, B2, Lacto-Ovo, or Flexitarian Diet?    This interesting and informative session will cover the top 10 fad diets and leave you prepared with the facts so you can respond knowing the good, the bad, and the ugly regarding fad diets.


Fuel Up To Play 60 And School Meals

(Prof. Standard – 4110) – CEU = .5

Join Pat as she brings you upt to speed on all the changes and resources available through Fuel Up To Play 60 and how it can help your school meal program.


Strut Your Stuff:  6 Tips for Social Media Success in Child Nutrition Programs

(Prof. Standard – 4150) – CEU = .5

School food service programs have had great success in marketing their programs on social media.  Join Brooke and Angela as they discuss how to develop a social media platform, creating engaging content, and managing your accounts with comfort and ease.  Learn that you don’t have to be super knowledgeable about social media to succeed and grow your program.


Recording Of The SNAAZ 65th Annual Virtual State Conference

(Prof. Standard – 2440/1100/2430) – CEU = 3

If you were unable to join us for the live Zoom broadcast you are in luck because this is the entire recording of that event.


Register for 2025 SNAAZ
SNIC / PG Conferences

We’re thrilled to introduce our first-ever MEGA CONFERENCE concept for 2025! This innovative approach combines the School Nutrition Industry Conference (SNIC) and the Professional Growth Conference (PG) into a back-to-back event, designed to save districts money on travel and reduce time away from work. Plus, attendees who register for both conferences will receive a $50 discount!

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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