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2024 SNAAZ Annual
State Conference
Begins In

SNAAZ 66th Annual State Conference

State Conference
Chair Welcome

I would like to welcome you all to the SNAAZ 66 th Annual State Conference this is our first in-person annual state conference since COVID-19 hit. Your state conference planning committee has put in tremendous efforts and time to ensure that the conference theme, “Together We Can Do It” will be met through awesome educational sessions, our special keynote speaker, and of course our fantastic food show. New this year we will be offering some bilingual education sessions so you can either brush up on your English or Spanish.

Our Friday night event will be a little different than past years. Instead of a formal sit-down dinner we will be offering a more casual atmosphere with heavy appetizers and a wonderful live band which will be fun for all. Since it has been three years since we gathered in-person in September, I would encourage everyone to be sure to make an effort to meet new fellow members and let’s also get reacquainted with old ones that we haven’t seen for a long time.

I also want to thank our industry partners for participating this year we all look forward to interacting and learning about all the new items that they have to offer to our child nutrition colleagues.

Stephen Protz, SNAAZ State Conference Chair

Register for 2025 SNAAZ
SNIC / PG Conferences

We’re thrilled to introduce our first-ever MEGA CONFERENCE concept for 2025! This innovative approach combines the School Nutrition Industry Conference (SNIC) and the Professional Growth Conference (PG) into a back-to-back event, designed to save districts money on travel and reduce time away from work. Plus, attendees who register for both conferences will receive a $50 discount!

We are a state affiliate to the School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents over 55,000 individuals who have made a commitment to child nutrition.

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